Ren'Py - LockDown Dom [v0.10.00.3a] [Down Bad Smut Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Gave this game a try and regreted it. I seriously dont get people who write about "great art", because here objectively speaking we have none of it. From locations to characters, all drawings look like they were made in ms paint, overly simplified, without depth, details, lighting and skills, models just thicc - thats all what we have about "art" in this game.

    Story is so dumb and overshallow that I already started to forget about it. Characters behavior and relationships jump from 0 to 100 from one event to another without any logic and build up . Example:

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    Amount of art and depiction of spicy/lewd scenes is tiny, you will read about how your cum leaks out of your sister asshole but will not see it. because even this lazy and simple art is still too much for artist to draw for scene more then 1-2 pics with slight variations of the same pic but with mc's hand grabbing a tit etc.

    Sandbox doesnt give anything for the game, no exploring, repeatable lewd stuff, quest mechanics etc. Its exist here for a ton of bugs for the player here and there, because devs dont have experience in programming and instead of learning how to make game beforehand, they immediately released what they learned for a few months from youtube tutorial of some hindu guy with a funny accent.

    I was surprised by how many people pay money for this undercooked lowquality game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    [v0.10.00.3a] Great game with multiple choices for the content you want to see. There is dom and sub routes + gay, ballbusting and ntr. Last two chocies are as of now not really deep, yeah choices make a difference but there isnt a ton of concent for those kinks, well to be frank there isnt really a ton of content in the game, yeah there is many scenes but dont expect to play for multiple hours. Other than that the art is great and there are interesting characters. Dont think that long about giving it a chance
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This game looks like it's going to be fantastic when it gets more updates; The art is pretty consistently cute and the story isn't dragging on like a certain other incest game based on covid lockdown. Additionally there's a lot of options regarding kinks and which specific characters you wanna dominate. MOST IMPORTANTLY THOUGH THERE'S A CUTE FEMBOY (or futa/sister if that's not your style).
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Interesting game.
    I enjoy the fact it doesn't beholden one to a set path and you can switch on the fly. Also you can choose your fetishes' which is a huge plus (As a switch myself I love to see it :love: )
    My only grip is that even thought its kinda barebones even at V0.8.1.0a. but the art work is nice and full of thicc ladies (and if one choses man/trans) . This is one that I plan on keeping an eye on.

    Story: 3/5
    Art: 4.5 THICCNESS/5
    Gameplay: 1/5 (its not bad just non-existent)
    OVERALL: LockDown Dom has potential, but if your looking to fap now ain't the time.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Alright despite my strong opinions on the game's history and some of the development decisions, I still consider myself a fan :WeSmart:

    The art is simple but earns it's own charm through it. The story has all the elements of a great sandbox harem game and the characters bring enough variety and personality.

    I believe the dev has the potential to create one of the top-tier games on this site.
    However as seen by my rating, some things need to be addressed:
    • A game at or above version 0.5 should be halfway finished. Otherwise, it creates unfulfilled expectations and disappointment.(Evident by some of the other reviews)
    • Focus on completing one character route at a time to show that you are at least able to write a finished arc without messing up. We've all got enough PTSD from Endings like Game of Thrones/Mass Effect:HideThePain:
    • Golden rule #69: Please all, and you will please none. A polished game with its own niche is better than an unfinished game that tries to do everything and lacks direction(aka No man's sky)
    Despite everything, the dev still has time to improve and fix many things.
    So good luck !(y)
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The art is great.
    I love the girls.
    Everything is pretty good.
    The... what, 5 minutes of it?
    Maybe there's something wrong on my end... but it's three days, there's no real sex scenes apart fingering the goth girl and that's about it.
    Granted that what is there is pretty great... but the entirety of this game's content could be put into the preview pictures and there would be space to spare.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Another low effort nothingness with the urge to satisfy 1000 kinks with 1 cheaply drawn scene each. If you try to please everyone you end up selling half-baked bread. Giving in to "public" oppinion of 2-3 ppl instead of making the game how you imagine it may just be a lazy cashgrab attempt.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It is very promising. Excellent dialogue. The art has a lot of personality. Dom/Sub options are cool. The short voice acting is also good. The only issue is that there is almost no content yet, so we'll see how it goes.

    Dialogue: 10/10
    Characters: 10/10
    2D Art: 10/10
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    LockDown Dom is a game that falls under the unfortunate status that alot of interesting looking titles on this site do: It's simply not anywhere near a state fit for proper review. As a result, my review will a mix of the little content that is already available to me, and of my anticipation of what is to come in the future.

    Sexual content - 6/10 (15%)
    LockDown Dom is a game that (as of right now) is heavy in content involving teasing, groping, and most importantly; incest. The game's art style is charming and fun to look at, housing a classic, handmade Ren'Py VN charm that I have grown accustomed to in alot of my favorite Ren'Py titles. The lewd scenes, as few as they are, are well made, classic scenarios that scratch just the right itch in my lewd brain, and gets me excited for more. On top of this, certain scenes are sprinkled with charming little voice lines, which really add to my immersion. As simple as the story is, the family dynamics are surprisingly fun to engage with, and certain family member's bitchy attitudes fill me with anticipation in finally seeing them knocked down a few pegs. Despite this strong start, there are one or two things that worry me about the game's future.

    1. At the beginning of the game, the bill legalizing incest nation wide specifies that only NON VAGINAL incest is legalized. Which, in my opinion, is a massive missed opportunity if this means zero vaginal sex with any of the family members is planned.

    2. Having non-repeatable scenes in this game can make navigating it in the future a bit annoying. Maybe tighten up the free roam model and stick to an infinite day system?

    Gameplay - 6/10 (15%)

    The gameplay itself is rather typical Ren'Py free roam style daily life simulation. While I imagine a lot of people would criticize the game for this, the added freedom is a welcome addition in my book. Having on-rails gameplay in a game that is not marked as a visual novel is quite annoying, in my opinion. Where this game really earns a thumbs up from me is in it's customization. You may freely name every girl in the game, along with the main character. On top of that, the type of content you'd like to see can be freely changed and edited as you go, which is a very welcome addition.

    In short, the gameplay is customizable, but doesn't offer much new to the table, but why fix what isn't broken?

    Character Art - 8/10 (20%)

    Each girl has a simple, pleasing, charming design that shows off their most prominent features. Where some games of this nature would fall off in quality outside of the standing scenes, the quality of the art stays consistent regardless of the scene, which gives it points from me. The line art is thick and doesn't focus unreasonably hard on detail, just getting the main point and each girl's gimmick across.

    As nice as the art is, skimping out on a bit of the detail can make the art feel a tad more generic than it should feel. However, the flat color style is enjoyable enough as it is.

    Bugs - 10/10 (25%)

    While I was a tad concerned by the warnings on the front page, there has luckily been no bugs encountered so far! Keep up the good work!

    Total score: 7/10 (75%)

    A charming little demo of a game so far. While I am eager to see more, I am also dreading the idea of this game ending up in the F95 Zone graveyard of abandoned or dev hell games. Kindly support the creators on their SubscribeStar. I'd love to see more!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Im lovin this so far.

    The art is charming and hand drawn.

    I love big asses and I cannot lie.

    There is a femboy.

    You can fuck the femboy.

    There is an option to have the femboy be a girl if you dont like femboys (uncultured swine)

    There is a muscular mommy aunt who you can dominate/be dominated by.

    Proceed to fuck your whole family (wincest).

    The game is still early days yet, But it has great potential.

    P.S. I really hope you lose the Beta route and just stick to the Alpha route, because the Beta route just doesnt seem to fit this game and will halt progress on updates.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The Good
    One star for the art
    Second for the fact that the developer is active on the forum and answers questions

    The Bad
    The story is meh at best, updates are poor, and the developer has no plan or tactic to advance the game" Too many routes and no content at all...He wants to put many fetishes In his game but doesn't focus on one thing at a time"

    Take a point from other games and focus on one girl at a time, It's to much of a slow burner right now maybe put more Lewd in the updates, if this is not animated then update the game more frequently to appear on the latest update page more to get more fans.

    I will update the review when things change
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    good art , good character , good ass and lot's of potential .
    Not a lot of content but i think we could have a really good games in the next years , just the usual updates and quality contents and the game will flourish .
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Currently its still fairly bare bones and lacks a significant content dive, however there's no glaring flaws with any of the setup and is generally enjoyable.

    The character designs are for the most part quite nice and the dev seems to be consistent in updates so far.

    Writing is pretty typical and nothing aside from the art stands out yet but I'd still recommend. If only to sit a on a back burner and check later.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of

    This game definitely has potential and I look forward to what the future holds.

    The Li's look good and I like their personalities.

    The story while broadly used is still intriguing.

    And the Dev seems to take criticism well and implements changes to the game with the players ideas in mind.

    I give it a 4/5 for it's potential.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I think it's really good so far. I like the cartoony art style, and I think the characters are entertaining so far. Having a game written in native level English is always nice. Since it's only set in a house, the sandbox isn't annoying, as it often is in other games, and it doesn't seem as if grinding is going to be involved at all.

    My main complain is that ntr content (at least for now) is only being promised for ONE of the characters lol.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    A family stuck in a lockdown with a horny guy alongside with his whole horny family. Right now the game is quite bare with only two days with content. But the characters so far introduced have been pretty good, each of them having a unique personality that have distinct kinks and fetishes that you will explore throughout the game. The MC is just your typical MC, nothing too special or nothing too bad. The nature of the MC will depend on whether you want to go on the dom/sub route.

    The gameplay is just your typical AVN set within a house due to a lockdown being in place. It’s a free roam game with very bare content atm. I would have to say because a game breaking bug, I could not get to the NTR part which was pretty disappointing.
    Currently very bare content, and understandable so because it is a new project. Currently just has teases throughout the house. I do very much appreciate that option to toggle of certain kinks that not be of interest.

    The visuals remind the flash back of flash games in the 2000’s. It has an amateurish feel, but it feels unique. Gives a very nostalgic feel being hand-drawn in what seems like in paint.

    No background music or sound other than a couple of sound effects on clicking on doors. I would assume later in the game, there would be some improvement in sound design.

    A fresh project right now but with some promising characters and fetishes supported by large customisation. Currently at this point, there’s very few content but I could see in the future how this game would be fleshed out and would have great potential.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    fantastic artwork, want to see game completed and/or more from same artist and dev. :)
    Like the many options to choose sub/dom on specific characters rather than one focus on all, on top of that the games structure is very entertaining, it might be cool to see it a little more open world- perhaps a school/college element.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I Like the art Style but Need more improvement like on the story line and another aspect,for the char designed already good love it,and I hope it will not abandoned by developer ,so I cant wait for the final all full realese version
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Animation: Handrawn, not the best but still original and well done.
    Story: Lots of potential ways this can unfold looking forward to developments

    This is still very early in it's development but what I've seen was very good so it gets a 4. I might need a wait a while before it's really worth playing. Right now it's just a elongated intro.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing 0.5:
    I didn't expect much from the screenshots and the somewhat overused premise, but I am glad I downloaded because I really like it so far!
    It has the perfect mix of different character and body types that I want from a game like this. And the mc is genuinely horny. And sexy 'accidental' scenes with some humor thrown in. Way to go.
    Bonus points for Ruby/Auntie, I have a thing for buff girls :sneaky:

    My only negative point and one star minus at this point is the weird dom<>sub system. I mean this actually is a cool feature, but the fact that you have to choose it beforehand in a menu sort of thing feels weirdly mechanical. I would prefer having different choices in situations to dom the npcs or not.