VN - Unity - Chrono Ecstasy [0.1.4] [Pigeon2Play]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A pretty good VN. I enjoyed a lot the story. Looking/ Waiting for the next updates :3.
    Nt: Why is there a criteria to rate this. I mean 200 characters. I'm not a guy with too much to say. I just barely speak lol
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    well... here is my opinion about this game. :mad: (n)
    First of all it is a fresh game with a very low content and soft in game pay wall.
    The opening act is not bad the other parts has different approach what is boring.:WaitWhat:(different writer? One of?)
    2 kinds of game play one is boring/un rewarding clicker the other is the time fuck game gelded:censored: version.
    Missions well a few intro task for a simple linear intro chain:rolleyes:
    Generated missions stupid as hell with no sense of balance :oops:
    Internal structure similar to free online clicker mmo,(including the bait and sinkhole):sick:
    The graphics are ai and few not so sexy animation.(it goes boring seeing the same hundreds of times)
    Any way my final verdict is this game is a clickbait
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Needs a bit more to be entertaining.

    After a great deal of story time, this game has an interesting lore.
    At the final chapter I thought YEAH let's actually get into some management gameplay!

    There pretty much isn't any.
    Progression doesn't seem to be implemented yet.
    Loot items seem to exist purely for the sake of it.
    No unlocks or scenes or... fun.